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16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 


17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16 - 17

Our Beliefs


We believe it is our personal responsibility, a moral duty if you will, to use our special skills to help our clients achieve long term prosperity. That includes more than just maximizing their short term wealth. That includes helping them to be personally successful over the long term as well.

We believe our clients' financial and personal objectives are so inter-twined that to focus upon one aspect to the detriment of the other is financially shortsighted, contrary to our values, and a disservice to our clients.  The personal and professional lives of high net worth individual investors, small business owners, physicians, entrepreneurs, and corporate executives are usually inseparable and that we cannot ignore the affect their unique financial objectives have on their financial objectives.

We believe our clients' financial interests come before ours.

We believe, as did J.P. Morgan, that the best strategy to long term wealth is not to try to get all you can from every transaction, but to always leave a little bit for others. You can't be greedy. You have to know when to take your chips and walk away from the table - know when to sell.

We believe our philosophy of holistic and comprehensive attention to our clients' total needs is rare among most other financial, tax, legal and investment consultants and advisors.  

We believe:
•        that our clients are smart,
•        that our clients try to help others,
•        that our clients try to do their best,
•        that our clients are frequently over burdened,
•        that successful professionals suffer from information overload.

We believe there is too much financial and economic information for "part time" investors to compete fairly with full time investment professionals over the long run.

We believe the abundance of bogus, irrelevant, and even fraudulent, misinformation masquerading as legitimate is a serious threat to long term wealth maximization.

We believe it’s important to provide clients with investment and business opportunities before they become readily available to potential competitors and the general public.

We believe that there are certain universal characteristics of human behavior that can help accumulate wealth.

We believe in order for us to provide the best for our clients, it is imperative for us to remain independent from any partnerships or alliances with any specific investment firm or advisory firm to the exclusion of another.

We believe we have a social responsibility to the community and accept non-profit organizations and disadvantaged small businesses pro-bono or at reduced rates.



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