Aldersgate Advisors

"The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever , that we may observe all the words of this law.
Deuteronomy 29:29
An Information Advantage
"Private information - is the source of every great fortune." Oscar Wilde
Investors prefer companies with some unique product or service as having the greatest chance of succeeding.
It is virtually impossible to out innovate the competition, successfully evolve rapidly and effectively or develop some unique product or service - without a competitive information advantage.
The economist’s ability to design and conduct market research studies and to analyze and interpret study results can provide a company with the advantage of proprietary information before the competition.
There is no shortage of data and opinion masquerading as "information."
There is just not enough time in a day for you to properly evaluate all of the available information. Busy professionals are increasingly forced to rely upon various informational sources: employees, the Internet, consultants, advisors, sales people, magazines, newsletters, journals, etc…. None of which are infallible, with multiple motives and biases, some being particularly suspect.
Almost all of this information is, in one form or another, of the published or public variety. Unfortunately published does not confer accuracy, honesty or legitimacy. It does not mean it is relevant to you and your circumstances and it certainly does not give you any competitive or economic advantage.
Relying upon public information, at best allows you to make the same mistakes as everyone else. Or to paraphrase; what everyone knows, isn’t worth knowing. Out dated, inaccurate, and irrelevant information isn’t worth knowing because it seduces you into erroneous decisions, wastes resources, both financial and temporal, and diverts your attention away from the reality of the situation or opportunity as the case may be. Thereby preventing or delaying you from taking the proper actions.
Gaining an information advantage frequently means proprietary information, but that's only the beginning!
You can’t stop there. Just as important is your ability to accurately interpret the information and then to devise strategies for the successful real world application of that information.
We regret that we cannot help everyone with his or her information and decision making processes. Nevertheless, we encourage you to honestly evaluate your current information gathering, decision making, and implementation processes.
Improving your information gathering and decision making process can have only one result - a better life through better